Stowey Sutton Parish Council

Your Councillors

General correspondence for the Parish Council should be addressed to the Clerk.

Parish Councillors are available for an open surgery from 1915 until the meeting begins each month at the Methodist Hall, where parishioners may discuss any relevant matter without having to be formally involved in the meeting.

Mr Keith Betton
Mr Keith Betton
Mrs Heather Clewett
Mrs Heather Clewett
Vice Chair

Mr Duncan Bird
Mr Duncan Bird
Stowey Sutton Parish Councillor
Mr Ian Dagger
Mr Ian Dagger
Stowey Sutton Parish Councillor
Ms Elaine Daly
Ms Elaine Daly
Stowey Sutton Parish Councillor
Miss Rebecca Dix
Miss Rebecca Dix
Stowey Sutton Parish Councillor
Mrs Liz Kingston
Mrs Liz Kingston
Stowey Sutton Parish Councillor
Mr John Knibbs
Mr John Knibbs
Stowey Sutton Parish Councillor

Miss Joanne Bryant
Miss Joanne Bryant 
01275 772 177
Stowey Sutton Parish Council,
PO Box 1290, Bristol, BS39 5XY
Mrs Tracey Long
Mrs Tracey Long 
Assistant Clerk
01275 772 177
Stowey Sutton Parish Council,
PO Box 1290, Bristol, BS39 5XY

Anna Box
Anna Box
District Councillor
Dave Harding
Dave Harding
District Councillor

Parish Council Appointments & Working Parties

Finance Working Party: Councillors Betton, Knibbs, and Daly.

HR Working Party: Councillors Clewett, Daly, and Kingston.

Community Engagement Working Party: Councillors Clewett, Dix, and Kingston.

Climate and Ecological Emergency Working Party: Councillors Dagger and Clewett.

Community Library Sub Committee: Councillors Kingston, Dagger, Daly, and Dix.

Internal Auditor: Julian Banfield.

Parish Council's Airport Association: All members on rotation.

Representative On TEGG Charity: Liz Balmforth (parishioner).

Representative for Parish Liaison & Interagency Panels: Councillors Kingston and Dagger.

Representatives for Chew Valley Forum and Working Groups: Councillors Clewett (voting member), and Dagger.

Liaison for Youth Service Provision: Clerk.

Representative for ALCA: Clerk.

Authorised Bank Signatories: Councillors Betton, Clewett, Daly, and Knibbs.

Click Here for the register of member's disclosable interests.