Stowey Sutton Parish Council


To contact the Parish Council you can write to the Clerk, Joanne Bryant, at...

Stowey Sutton Parish Council
PO Box 1290
BS39 5XY her on

...or call her on 01275 772 177.

You can also email each of the Parish Councillors directly from the 'your councillors' page.

Volunteer Parish Flood Representative

The volunteer flood representative provides a link to B&NES for reporting flooding issues, he is not able to arrange or provide assistance during an emergency, to contact B&NES call 01225 394 041 or for potentially life threatening situations dial 999.

Email the flood representative on to report flooding issues.


The Parish Council have also launched an email newsletter, which will contain details of planning applications for the parish, agendas & minutes from parish council meetings, details of public consultations & opportunities to get involved with the neighbourhood plan.

Your email address will only be used by the Parish Council for matters affecting the parish & you can unsubscribe if the information is not related to you in the future.

If you would like to sign up for the parish newsletter enter your email address in the box below & hit 'subscribe'.


If you would like to be informed about community projects & volunteering opportunities in the parish, enter your email address in the box below & hit 'volunteer'.

If you would like to suggest possible projects for us to consider in the future, Click Here to email us & let us know.